Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a day!

No more junk food!


skramls said...

So, do you get your home cooked dinner and then pay an extra 3.99 for your gas? Or is the gas from the dinner free?

Pat said...

Hi Jody,
First, let me say how proud I am that you actually visited "the leg". I am pleased to have had some small part in planning your trip. Hope it was quite memorable.

I also have to tell you about my encounter with Carl today. I ran into him at the DOL parking lot and he noticed my faded-but-still-recognizable motorcycle tattoo. I, of course, told him that you had just embarked on your big adventure. In usual Carl-like fashion, he quickly quipped "tell Jody that now that she is a biker-type, she will have to show me her...." I am sure you are terribly shocked and horrified. I hope that I have not turned this into and XXX-blog. Oh well.....I didn't mean to do so.
Take care,

Brenda said...

We are all building our own sundial in anticipation of your return -- wait till you see!

Glad you guys are having fun.

Safe travels,


RDLUNT said...

Anyone know how to post a picture from my end. I have exit photos from Hewitt.
