Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sun Aura revealed!

For those of you who do not know, some friends gathered at Hewitt to
wish us bon voyage. Their concern for our lack of route planning was
apparent. They provided us some great ideas with maps and
accompanying computer print outs. (The van carrying these materials
will meet us in Omaha.) Today we visited the first of many highlights
along the route. The Nagys kindly provided the enticement to visit
the Sun Aura Clothing Optional Camp which is in NW Indiana and boasts
the largest leg shaped sundial in NW Indiana. We have the pictures
to prove it. Mike insisted I go ask to take the picture because they
would react better to a woman. I was suckered in again. I said to a
workman that he would probably think I was crazy, but I was on a
scavenger hunt (again, Mike's idea) and needed a picture. He
responded that there were so many crazy people there that no one
would notice one more

1 comment:

skramls said...

Great photos - it looks just like the picture Pat gave you. I'm sure it was very exciting for you, especially after all those corn and soy fields! So, are you having fun yet?
