Wednesday, September 24, 2008

138 miles and counting

No blog last night. Right? We did a lot of things yesterday,
including Yosemite. however, we ended the evening with Mike's friend
who owns a vineyard. He cooked us a fantastic meal, and we sat under
an oak tree and ate and drank wine....and the rest is history......
No, we did not ride the bikes back to the hotel. Yes, I have a great
new recipe for creamed leeks.

So, we head for San Francisco this morning, and I will send one last
blog tonight.


Leslie Bridges said...

Hi Jody,

Welcome to California! I have
enjoyed the dual blogs of the great birthday ride across the country. It's a good thing I have a few years to think about 65 - because you've really raised the bar as to how to properly celebrate one's vintage!

Much Love from Leslie (sue's sister) and her guys (Steve and Sean)

McQ said...

We are planning the reception if you are open to one on Saturday evening. Friends are ready to gather including Saul who is in Monterey. Give us a call when you can. More in an email to you both.

Unknown said...

Congratulations -- Way to go! This is SO impressive.
It has been such fun following your adventures—you and Mike have done such a wonderful job with the blogs. I keep thinking you should share this story with a larger audience. Burlington Free Press? No, the New York Times! But then I came up with the perfect idea: “The Story with Dick Gordan” on NPR. Think about it--- your coast to coast adventure has it all: humor (Sun Aura), adventure (State Trooper), the kindness of strangers (Butch and Elaine) and more! This is so right on so many levels. Just say the word and I’m on the phone to my dear friend Dick.

Safe travels home and looking forward to hugs and stories in person.