Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today's forced march

This has been a day of such contrasts. We started the morning by
traveling a short distance, past Mt Rushmore, to the Crazy Horse
Memorial, a work in progress. Let me me say first, for those who
think I dissed Rushmore, it was not that we were unimpressed. Of
course we were. We just expected it to be bigger. That aside, the
Crazy Horse Memorial was impressive on another in a long string of
beautiful sunny days. I have included two pictures, one of the
sculpture that acts as the model for carving and the mountain itself
which will not be finished in your lifetime or mine...even Lucy &
Madison. They have been working on it since 1948 and only the face
is complete, but impressive it is.

I made Mike stop and eat shortly after we left...and good thing,
too. We had our second longest day of travel today. We rode over
300 miles and are sleeping in Worland, WY. We came through some of
the most scenic landscapes and found the worst town in the USA. If
ever invited to Guillette, WY, flee. It has a huge coal fired power
plant belching an unpleasant and likely toxic smoke, and how
providential, they strip mine the coal on the outskirts of town.
They even have a marked scenic overlook for the coal mine. We didn't

I have discovered where all the old trailer homes go after their
demise in VT. South Dakota or Wyoming. Never, never, have I seen so
many, most rusted out and uninhabitable. That said, the Black Hills
of SD and the Big Horn Mountain range of Wyoming provided some of the
most beautiful sights we have encountered. We saw herd after herd of
antelope running wild in Wyoming. They look like deer with big white
spots and black horns in a lyre shape.

I mention the eating as the only source of confusion between us.
Mike can go for days without eating...and then he eats a lot! I
find, if I don't eat every 5 hours or so I begin to lose steam and
find it difficult to turn the scooter, a fairly important thing to
me. So, I am mostly vigilant about nagging him to stop, or I just
pull over and announce, "I am eating here. Join me if you wish."
He does.

Tomorrow: Yellowstone. I can hardly wait.


skramls said...

After Yellowstone, are you heading to Grand Teton? If so, I hope you're then going to go through Jackson - I've heard so much about it and would be curious to know what you think. Or, you could head north and go through Bozeman, MT, also a place I wonder about. If you head south from Grand Teton, you could hit Montpelier, Idaho - that would seem a "must see." Then, you know my recommendation is to avoid Nevada at all costs - it is soooo boring - so I would vote for you guys to ride through Idaho instead - check out the Snake River. Aren't you glad I'm not along on the trip giving you this advice? This blog comment you can always ignore (or ignore more easily). In any event, have fun!

Victor said...


Somebody finally gave me your blog info. So, here I am for the first time. I am sufficiently impressed with the professionalism of it's look and the inclusion of such beautiful pictures. Perhaps MAM didn't know this is what it should look like. Keep me entertained. I will surely be back.

Andrew Miller said...

Uhm, I want you to come over very, very,very early in the morning. It will be 6, 2, 1, 30 o'clock in the morning and I will be up that early. Nana, how is your adventure? Is Mike lazy sometimes? Daddy is here to talk to you on the phone. Tomorrow is a work day for you. I bet and you are skipping it because you are on a motorcycle with Mike.

30 o'clock
Love, Lucy