Sunday, September 14, 2008

This one's for Kate & Maura

So, here we are in "beautiful" downtown O'Neill, NE. Who knew that
Nebraska has an Irish capital. There are also two Mexican
restaurants and a Chinese one. We are in the heart of diversity
here. I know all this because we spent the night here last night,
and we will be here again tonight. Mike got a nail in his back tire
as we pulled into the Holiday Inn Express at 6 PM. No one here can
change it, and everything is closed today. It is Sunday in the
heartland. The roadside service cannot get anyone here until 8am
tomorrow, and so we have a down day. I am ecstatic. I have not had
an entire day off, with not one thing I am required to do, for weeks,
maybe longer. Besides, there are high winds today, and tomorrow is
expected to be beautiful warm, sunny and less windy. We are safe, we
are laughing, and we will try Nebraska Mexican food later in the day;
so all is well.

We left Omaha under beautiful sunny skies and warm weather, quite a
change from the day before. We had a great time, got all our
motorcycle and clothing needs met, and the Kroghs are great hosts.
Thanks for housing the gypsies, and could you clean up the roads
here? Nails, really!

Tomorrow, Valentine, NE, to Grand Rapids, SD.


Di said...

So sorry about the nails on the roads. I have a letter off to the governor already! Hope you can enjoy your day off and are feeling okay after Nebraskan Mexican food. That sounds like a risk. We loved having you! Lottie has said several times that she had a great time hearing all the stories. Safe travel.

Bill Williams said...

Sounds as though you will have an international foodfest for the next day. It sure beats all that corn and soybeans that you saw a few days ago.

Tim said...

interesting fact of the day: St. Valentine is both the patron saint of love AND epilepsy. reference to valentine always makes me smile and think of my friend jason. enjoy valentine and spread some love!

MOJIE said...

I LOVE O'Neill NE! They even spelled our name right, how kind of them. I'm glad you are having a bit of down time, you two have certainly earned it!
Have fun and be careful!!!