Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rain, rain, go away

We left Iowa City yesterday in the rain, and it never stopped. While
southern Iowa is really beautiful, rolling hills, fields of varied
crops and farm animals, all of which do not exist in the corn &
soybean world, it was a long and wet day. Our gear worked well, but
we still felt like drowned rats and were very happy to arrive at the
Krogh house. We had a warm reception, even Mark's mother came to
greet us. I think she was thinking how happy she was that Mark
married the "normal" sister. My niece's and their husbands joined
us, and Emily, the pregnant one, reports she told a co-worker (who
saw her looking at my blog) that I am her crazy Aunt Jody. Must be

Since it rained all day, there are no pictures of stops along the
way. We just rode, except for gas stops and lunch at the
Pleasantville, Iowa, Cowpoke Restaurant. You can buy a leather
tooled holster there for $20, so all you shoppers, grab your bikes!
So, I have included two pictures, thanks to Rick, of our departure
from Hewitt. Mike and I have agreed that motorcycle gear makes you
look like the Pillsbury dough boy in a Michelin man suit, especially
when you are wearing all 3 layers.

Tomorrow, South Dakota.


Bonster said...

Hi, Jody (and Mike),

A word about SD. You may see signs for "Wall Drug," posted first at 400 miles, then 300, etc. Since it is all there is to see, you may be euphoric when you actually get there. Worth seeing but keep euphoria in check. Mt. Rushmore, on the other hand, is really something to see if you can. They may have a special "show" at night, and the museum on the sculptor Borglum is really quite interesting. Have fun!
Love, Bonnie

skramls said...

Someone is going to look at those pictures and wonder if Mike knows he is sitting the wrong way! Hopefully on the trip he's been sitting the right direction and looking forward (at least looking forward to getting out of corn and soy fields).

Scooter said...

Bonnie, I cannot believe you know about
Wall Drug. My nephew, Chuck, highly recommends it. It is not to be missed he believes. So, with two endorsements, we are in. Pictures forthcoming. Also, my brother in law recommended the night show at Rushmore, so here is my question. Are we sisters? Are you that child my family never talked about?

Bonster said...

Yes, yes, I am. And mom says I get the scooter after you.