Monday, September 8, 2008

Have you been to Bufffalo?

We have! Arrived later than anticipated, but safe. Too tired to
blog. We are sitting in Starbucks because we needed internet and
coffee. We are on out way to Niagara falls. We have stories, but
believe only .25% of what Mike reports. But you knew that. More
when we recover.


skramls said...

Good thing we're only supposed to believe 25% of what Mike says..... I guess he thinks we can believe 100% of what you say - good deal for you. Ride safely - Tami seems happy - she settled right in and hasn't asked about you yet, but I'll show her the blog.

Barbie said...

If you say to believe only .25% of what Mike says, how much can we believe of what you say? Perhaps dueling blogs are a good idea... Between them, we might get some fragments of the REAL story.


Anonymous said...

You are such a biker babe.

Bonster said...

So glad you made it to Buffalo, and gladder that you're going to Niagra. Given that, on average, we can believe about 62.5% of what you both say combined, could you please share pix of the Falls?
P.S. Did you know your car can reach 112 MPH in 6.2 seconds?

Bill Williams said...

I can't believe that you got Mike to go to Starbucks. I thought that was against all his principles.

Is it Niagra or Viagra that you are headed to?


sarah and kelso said...

Hi --

I seem to be having trouble getting myself published -- I'm sure that breaks your heart. Anyway, glad that your first day is behind you (by now, your first 2 days) as it means that you are an old pro at this point. Hope that you're having fun & that Mike is behaving! :-)

Sarah & Kelso

McQ said...

Hope that you find a great rhythm to your travels, making progress and seeing great sights! Maybe the CA crowd can make a Hewitt style game out of whose telling the truth. Have you heard of the game "Fact or Crap?" Would be fun! See you soon. M&K

Di said...

Hope your second day went well. I'm sure the Falls are amazing. I'm calling Daddy every two days with updates. He seems to enjoy that and the whole idea of the trip!
