Thursday, September 11, 2008


> I leave you with a story, and you know how I love to tell a story:
> Many years ago when I was very young and in another life, Steve and
> I spent a summer in central Illinois at Chanute Air Force Base in
> Rantoul, IL, while he was in George Bush's National Guard and
> winning the Vietnam war with the weather unit. (No offense to
> Steve; it was the time.) Like au pairs, we were all away from home
> and friends, so friendships developed quickly. We became friends
> with a couple who were regular military. He was in weather school
> with Steve, and they were waiting to leave for assignment in
> Greece. They were the most exotic couple this young girl from
> Texas had ever met. They ate yogurt, she vacuumed naked and they
> were going to Greece and would have a house with a walled garden
> and a lemon tree. I couldn't believe anyone could have such an
> exciting life. Some of you know I attribute the genesis of this
> travel idea to this experience, hoping I might do something as
> exciting as they. (I don't really like to vacuum, clothed or not,
> so...) Today, as I sat at the 150th four-way-stop as we traveled
> through central Illinois on secondary roads, I looked up to
> discover a road sign with an arrow and the single word, "Rantoul".
> My life has come full circle.
> Tomorrow, Iowa City!


Tim said...

exotic naked women vacuuming? where do i sign up?

sarah and kelso said...

Hi Jody --

At the very least, your life has come full oval -- if not a shape more exotic than that.

It sounds like you guys are having a great time. Thanks for the pix. I'm definitely going to have the Nagy's plan our next vacation!
